Does the thought of taking your site to the mobile world a bit scary? It can be intimidating to mess with what may already be a well-oiled machine but making your site more mobile-friendly is a must in today’s marketing world. Rather than jumping in feet first, lessen your risk by planning and strategizing your approach. The question isn’t Should you make your site mobile? Rather the real question is How can you make the mobile transition a positive experience for both you and your customer?
Ask yourself these 3 questions when planning your mobile strategy:
What information do my visitors need? The answer to this question will vary depending on what type of business you are in. For example, if you own a restaurant, you may want to include hours of operation, directions and a menu. Others may have customers with accounts so they would need the ability to log into these accounts and access them.
Do I want to use a mobile-specific site or a mobile-responsive one? If you want your users to have the same experience across the board then choose a mobile-responsive design. But if your visitors only need access to a certain number of features then a mobile-specific site may be easier for them to navigate and use.
Do I need an app, too? Some businesses, especially e-commerce sites, could benefit from a stand-alone app allowing users to easily interact, make purchases and explore products using a more robust platform. Other industries may not have as much of a need. Ask yourself if an app would add a greater level of support to your customers.
At Grand Marketing Solutions we have helped many of our clients make the giant leap to a more mobile-friendly online experience. Whether you prefer using your existing site or developing one specifically for the mobile world, we have proven success in creating platforms that work for both you and your audience.