Who doesn’t use inbound marketing in today’s online world? It is often at the cornerstone of a business’ marketing strategy. Inbound marketing is what gets people to your site. It’s what opens the door to others discovering your product and engaging with your brand. But today’s inbound strategies are often plagued with what NOT to do disguised as truths. These myths can lead you to make the wrong moves when it comes to your inbound marketing approach.
Here are four myths about inbound marketing you should stop believing today:
1. Great content is enough. Sure great content can help you retain your visitors but you need to have the audience there to read your content in the first place. Before you can reap the benefits of great content you must have multiple channels in place to drive the traffic to you. So while what you post is important, it is only effective if you have the done the upfront work of getting others to see it.
2. If I participate in social media, I don’t have to do anything else. Social media is only one way to get inbound traffic to your site. And it doesn’t attract as many people as you may think. Social media must work in conjunction with good SEO strategies to get the results necessary to grow your numbers.
3. Paid searches help your organic ranking. Contrary to popular belief, paid searches do not have an impact on your organic ranking. In fact, there is no correlation between the two. You must carefully consider how you are using keywords in your content to truly see an uptick in your search rankings.
4. The number of followers you have is a good indicator of success. Many businesses are very proud of the number of followers they have amassed. It seems to offer a clear-cut answer to how well your program is doing. But do those followers truly buy? Don’t mistake followers for those invested in your brand. They are often two very different things.
A good inbound marketing strategy doesn’t have to be difficult to implement. Partner with a marketing expert for assistance in crafting a campaign that gets the traffic you are looking for. The team at Grand Marketing Solutions has proven experience assisting our clients in their SEO and inbound marketing efforts. We provide real-world solutions for your everyday online needs.
Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive SEO programs or to schedule a consultation