Like they say Content is King and good content can mean more traffic to your site, a larger audience and, most importantly, greater profits. But why do some seem to rock the content world while others continuously fall on their face? The answer lies in the approach. Those who are successful have learned the strategies for victory while others make mistakes that hurt their bottom line.
Here are 4 ways people ruin their content efforts:
1. Keeping content too generic – There is a lot to choose from on the web. Would you rather take your time reading content that covers just the outer layers of any given topic or one that offers guidance on a specific aspect? Make people choose your content by giving them valuable insight and thoughtful writing.
2. Advertising rather than informing – Content that seems more like a pitch than a post is often less appealing to readers. In fact, a constant stream of posts that seem to only advertise can lead to a huge decline in traffic to your site.
3. Too many big words – Your content should be enjoyable to read and your audience shouldn’t have to pull out a dictionary to interpret your message. Avoid flowery, pretentious language that only makes the content harder and less fun to read. And, by all means, avoid what I call techie-talk. You may be an expert in your field but many of your readers are not so keep the words you use simple yet informative.
4. Not using social media to promote – The best way for others to find your content is through social media. If you aren’t sharing it there it becomes increasingly difficult to get your message out. And just one source is not enough. You should be broadcasting across multiple platforms to reach the largest audience.
Avoiding these 4 culprits of failing content is a great way to reboot your site. Another great way to generate more traffic to your site is by partnering with an expert in the field of digital marketing. The team at Grand Marketing Solutions has experience in cultivating online programs using interesting, thoughtful content and promoting that content through a number of channels. We have proven success in helping improve our client\’s site traffic through strategic brand promotion.
Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation