If you type “logo change” into any given search engine, you will see a wide variety of articles. Some will say a logo change should be avoided at all costs. Others promote the rebranding as a way to move a company forward and refocus their image. The answer to the benefits of any change is often found somewhere in the middle. Yes, it can be helpful to some but it can also be detrimental to others especially when done haphazardly. If you are considering a logo change, consider these tactics to make the transition more successful.
Identify the Problem and the Solution
There are many reasons companies may want to change their logo. Some see a shift in their target audience’s preferences; others have an outdated image that needs to be brought current. Whatever your reason, it is important to first make sure that a logo change is the right solution.
Use a Graphic Designer
Once you decide on a new logo, it will be with you for a long time. Use a professional graphic designer to craft the right face of your brand. They carry with them the experience to choose the right colors, shapes, and designs for your new identity creating a logo that will appeal to your audience.
Leave Little Room for Confusion
Once you make the transition, let others know about it rather than confusing them with a mixed message. Use a press release to announce the change. Remove the old logo from all your profiles and update them with your new one. You should have branded promotional items, uniforms, even vehicles ready for the change too.
At GMS, we offer both graphic design and branding services to our clients. As experts in the field, we help companies transition their logo and their brand with the least amount of disruption to everyday business operations as possible. We can help your company navigate the waters when looking to change the look and face of your organization.
Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation